Nature preservation through human preservation

The nature surrounding the location of the first Lithica Gathering in the summer of 2023

(Re)Connecting to nature

For millennia human beings walked the earth as hunter-gatherers, people of the Stone Age in pre-historic times. Humans connected with nature in a way that we can hardly imagine in these modern times. When we view the whole timeline, this way of living with and in nature is actually more the norm than we do now. The modern age, the time we call ‘history’ is just a blink of an eye compared to the years we, as human beings, have walked the earth.

What happened with the basic skills that enabled us humans to live but also thrive in nature? What happened with the idea that we are just as much part of nature, as nature is part of us? What happened to this ‘normal’ state of being?

Lithica, rewilding humans

We believe it is possible to reconnect humans to nature and find that natural rhythm again. We envision humans walking the land barefoot, wearing natural materials, and feeding from what the land offers. As rewilded humans, we can redefine our relationship with nature - feel again as an integrated part of it on which our existence depends. 

This core value of connecting humans to nature is the very cornerstone of the Lithica Project. The Rewilding Humans projects’ vision is of a world in which wild and rewilded humans may once again take their place in a wild and rewilded land, learning through direct experience, living according to the principles of sustainability and self-sufficiency and protecting the rights of nature and wild humans. 

Nature preservation through wild humans preservation

Most people feel there is a need for nature preservation and there are tons of projects around the world doing great work in this department. But overall, most projects focus on the rewilding of nature and animals. Where a lot of projects even do their best to keep humans out of hard-fought over lands and nature. But how can people connect with wild nature if we are not allowed to be part of it? How can we expect this wild lands will stay wild for generations to come if hardly anyone can truly connect and fall in love with it?

With Lithica, it’s actually with the humans we want to start. Because if we have a big enough group of wild humans, they will naturally work and fight for more rewilded lands, keeping nature projects safe and protected. By combining the love and need for nature preservation, with getting more people to fall in love with their wild nature.

The Lithica Gathering, where it all will start

The first Lithica Gathering organized this summer (2023) in Norway, is the beginning of realizing the vision of the Lithica-Rewilding-Humans project and a fundraiser for the foundation. The main goal of the Lithica project right now is to secure some land, which will provide space for human beings to reconnect to their innate wildness, develop primal, ancestral, natural skills and wisdom to become stewards of that land. 

During the Gathering you will find out more details about the vision of Lithica presented by Lynx Vilden during an evening talk on Envisioning Lithica. Lynx is one of the main founding members of the Lithica project. Lynx is a strong believer in the power of nature, as she herself lives life in a deep connection with the land. She is a great example that wilderness living is not only possible, but also deeply empowering.


In search of the perfect land